Tagged: fun

Tea poll Results

The results are in for the favorite tea poll. Thank you to the people that voted!

 As you can see, there are only 3 responses here. The green 33% is any fruit teas. Those are so good. The purple 33% is herbal infusion. I personally don’t like this tea as much, but it is still good. The red 33% says that they are not allowed to drink tea because of their religion. I totally respect that. Thank you for still answering. If you would like to take the poll still, click here.

20 things I want to do before I turn 20.

There are so many things I want to do with my life. I could make a list that is so long, that it would take all of your life to read. So instead, here is a list of 20 things I want to do before I am 20.

The first thing I want to do is get my licence. I know that that is pretty obvious, but some people don’t get their license until their late 20’s or even early 30’s.


The second thing I want to do is get into a college. I want to go to college and go to medical school. Or law school. Maybe something else. Not really sure. Here is the top 10 colleges.

Another thing I want to do is get another piercing. Most likely an ear piercing of some kind. I do also want a nose piercing. Maybe both or something else. I guess I will have to decide when I can get one.

The fourth thing that I want to do is go to a concert. I have never been to one yet. I really want to go to one. The hard part is who I would want to see. There are so many people and bands to choose from.

Another thing I want to do is go cliff jumping again. I went to St. George a few years back and it was so fun. I want to do it somewhere else if I can though. I want to see different places like that.

The sixth thing I want to do is do a road trip. I did one throughout  Yellowstone a few years ago and that was so much fun. I do want to go to a different place this time. Any good ideas?

Another thing I want to do is go to New York. Specifically, go to New York and see a Broadway show. I love plays and musicals and different kinds of shows. I love them. I also just really like acting.Here is the top 10 favorite Broadway plays.

The eighth thing I want to do is vote. I know that I can do this anyway. But voting is such an important thing to me that I want to vote as soon as I can. Maybe it will work out when we have to elect a new president, I will be old enough to do so. Here is were you can learn more about voting. and the importance of it.


Another thing I want to do is pull an all-nighter. Not just any all-nighter though, one where I binge watch my favorite show. Now, my favorite shows change constantly, so I might have to do this multiple times.

The tenth thing I want to do is stay up all night to see the sunrise. I have seen it when getting up for school, but I never am awake enough to appreciate it. I want to be able to see it, not just glance at it and wish I could go back to bed.

Another thing I want to do is graduate high school. It is important to me to do this.

The twelfth thing that I want to do is learn another language. Maybe not before 20, but at least start learning before 20.

Another thing I want to do is find a geocache. A geocache is an outdoor activity. People use the longitude and the latitude of where they live to find things other people have left there. Like a treasure hunt almost. Here is a geocaching app that will help you find some good spots.

The fourteenth thing I want to do is make ice cream. I am lactose intolerant, so that won’t be fun, but the making it part seems super fun.

Another thing I want to do is ride a train. A real, classic train. Those just look so cool.

The sixteenth thing I want to do is bake bread. I like to cook and bake, yet I have never done this before. I specifically want to make sourdough bread, which is my favorite. Here is a good recipe.

Another thing I want to do is go to the movies with my friends. I know, that sounds boring, but I haven’t done that.

The eighteenth thing I want to do is go to the movies all alone. That seems fun. You don’t have to share any of your snacks or drinks with anyone. And you can see any movie you want without thinking about if the other person would like the movie.

Another thing I want to do is go horseback riding. I love horses and I love the idea of riding one. Maybe off into the sunset.

 The last thing I want to do before I am 20 is ride a hot air balloon. Those look so fun to do. I love being up high, so this seems so perfect for me.


Book review: Not Even Bones

Hello! This is a book review of my favorite book, Not Even Bones by Rebecca Schaeffer. I think that it is really good. It is about a girl named Nita and she lives in a world with unnaturals. She works with her mother to find certain unnaturals and sell them. But one day, her mother brings back an alive person. Fabrico. Nita then has an inner conflict with what to do. She ends up freeing him. After she frees him, she gets taken to a market that she was sold to. The suspect, her mother!


This book made me become a detective. I was really trying to figure out why her mother would do that. It’s hard to think about a mother doing that, but it was so fun. Now, this book has some romance, sort of. In the book, Nita meets Kovit, an unnatural that can feed off of pain.  In the end, they have a moment. So, it sort of is romance. I tried not to spoil anything, in case you want to read it.


This book is part of a series. This is the first book of the series. The series is called The Market of Monsters. This is a trilogy. Trust me, you are going to want to read it. Here is a link to the Barnes and Noble page for the book.


Warning, this book does have some heavy topics. It also has some vulgar language and scenes. Swearing, gore, death, and many other topics. If wanting to read this book, readers discretion is advised.



My top 10 favorite pieces of Clothing

 My first favorite piece of clothing is a hoodie. These just make me feel so comfortable. They also are so warm, so that way I am never cold. I love the winter, so I always love to wear these.

Sweatpants are my second favorite. They are also comfy. They also can be helpful because of all the pockets that they have. I have used them so many times. I never have to carry a bag around with me. I also like the fact I can wear them with a lot of other different pieces of clothing.

My third favorite is leggings. Leggings are just so comfy. If you have the right ones. Sometimes they can have problems. They are really good to wear when working out or doing something active.

Fuzzy socks are my fourth favorite. These are awesome for the winter. Or any time really. I wear them in my boots sometimes. There is also a great selection of designs.

My fifth favorite is pajamas. I like these, like all people do. I don’t think that I could wear them the whole day, but I could definitely wear them for a big part of it.

Long sleeve shirts are my sixth favorite. These are here because sometimes the sleeves on these are too tight for my liking. Those are restricting me when that happens. They are otherwise not that bad.

Tank tops are seventh. These are by far the best summer clothes. They are light, flowy, and airy. You need all of those in the summer. If you don’t, there might be a problem with you. I also like that they are really comfy. You can wear them with a lot of different things too.

Shorts take the eighth spot. I like these, but they sometimes can get annoying. They can sometimes cause you to chafe.  That is never fun. I wear these a lot though. It is hard sometimes to find the right ones that fit you the way you want.

The ninth place goes to socks. I like them. They can just get too hot sometimes. And, if they are too tight, they will leave marks on your feet. I have has that happen sometimes.

Dresses are my least favorite. Now, I do wear these. A lot more than you would expect. Dresses are weird. They are really good for a few seconds, then you have a tower of problems the next.  Maybe its just me.